
Breaking news:

A special issue of the journal Fontiers in Robotics and AI will be dedicated to New Frontiers in Parallel Robotics.

We encourage interested authors willing to contribute to contact the workshop's organizers and to have a look to the following webpage:


The workshop will take place on May 27.

It will be in hybrid mode, from around 8:30am to 6:30 pm Philidelphia time.

A Zoom session will be set up for people that won't be able to come to Philadelphia, but are willing to participate.

Remote participation will be free, while in-person participation requires a paid registration ( In-person workshop presenters must be registered to ICRA's workshops.



ICRA 2022 Workshop: "New frontiers of parallel robotics" (second edition)

Rigid-link fixed-base parallel robotics is a mature research area and an enabler for the development of a diverse range of industrial applications (e.g. pick-and-place manipulation, machine-tools, simulators, etc). Fundamental scientific questions for these robots are now solved, which lead to a decrease in their scientific interest.

Over the past decade, innovation resulted in new types of parallel robotic devices such as soft/continuum robots, flying robots, cable-driven robots, underactuated robots, multi-finger hands, etc. These novel closed-chain mechanisms, with no rigid links or no fixed base or no traditional end-effector, are associated with new scientific challenges in terms of design, modelling, and control. While those scientific questions are exciting they remain largely unsolved, and prevent new parallel robots from passing academia to industry or society. 

This workshop aims at:

  1. Bringing together researchers from distinct communities (e.g. soft/continuum robotics, compliant mechanisms, aerial robotics, cable-driven robotics, tensegrity structures, dexterous manipulation and physical interactions) with common interest in parallel robotics to share their experiences, methods, challenges, and issues;
  2. Fostering interest and collaboration of researchers to investigate the exciting research challenges arising from the new frontiers in parallel robotics.



Many researchers working on new types of parallel robots (defined in the abstract) do not come from the conventional parallel robotics community, and vice-versa. As a result, new communities do not benefit from the experience of the traditional community, while the traditional community misses many new scientific challenges that could drive their research in the future.

This is the reason why this workshop aims at:

  1. Bringing together researchers from distinct communities with common interest in parallel robotics to share their experiences, methods, challenges, and issues; 
  2. Cross-fertilizing traditional and new communities, so that innovative research results could emerge.
  3. Defining the new contours of the research in parallel robotics.


Important dates

15 April 2022: Deadline for abstract’s submission

29 April 2022: Notification of acceptance

May 27 2022: Workshop (full-day)


Venue and participation

Whatever the sanitary situation, the workshop will take place in hybrid mode: both in presence in Philadelphia and live-streamed through a Zoom session.


Workshop content

The speakers and the titles of their talks are listed hereafter (all speakers already accepted to participate in the workshop).


Historical and industrial perspective

  • Clément Gosselin (Laval University, QC, Canada): Parallel robots, a historical perspective: from tyre testing to physical human-robot interaction

 Materials for robotics

  • Christian Duriez (INRIA, France): Modeling and control of continuum and soft parallel robots

 Interaction & manipulation

  • Aaron Dollar(Yale University, USA): Parallel Mechanism Architectures Facilitate Dexterous Within-Hand Manipulation
  • Koushil Sreenath (UC Berkeley, USA): Dynamic and Collaborative Aerial Manipulation

 Robot design & analysis

  • Marco Carricato and Edoardo Idà (Bologna University, Italy): Underactuated cable-driven parallel robots: opportunities and challenges
  • Alice M. Agogino (UC Berkeley, USA): Multi-Cable Rolling Locomotion with Compliant Parallel Tensegrity Robots


In order to favor the interaction between the invited researchers and the audience, four different types of sessions will be organized in addition to the keynote sessions:

  • Selected-abstract session: A call for extended abstracts will be made. The abstracts will be evaluated and, depending on the proposed scientific contents, some abstracts will be proposed for a “Selected-abstract session” (10 minutes of presentation, 3 minutes for questions), while some others will be retained for the session “My work in 5 minutes” (see below)
  • Session “My work in 5 minutes”: The authors of the abstracts not retained for the “Selected-abstract session” will have the opportunity to provide a summary of their work during this session and to later discuss with the audience during the “Poster session”.
  • Poster session: All abstracts presented in the “My work in 5 minutes” session will have the opportunity to present their work more in depth during a “Poster session”.
  • A round table: All keynote speakers and attendees will be invited to participate in a round table that will be a supplementary moment to exchange ideas and experiences.


Two awards will be given: the award for the best extended abstract (including the presentation quality), and the award for the best poster (including the quality of the 5-min presentation).


Organized by

Dr. Sébastien Briot

LS2N / CNRS, France

Pr. Jessica Burgner-Kahrs

University of Toronto, Canada

Pr. Marco Carricato

Bologna University, Italy

Pr. Giuseppe Loianno

New York University, USA

Mr. Sven Lilge

University of Toronto, Canada

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